Saturday, February 16, 2013

Things change, again...

Well, Spring Training was a bust for us this time around. Charlie's mom called and advised his 81 year old father's health was declining. We cancelled our Spring Training gig and returned to Sonoma County.  As it turned out, this hospitalization earned his father a pace maker and it appears he will be OK. We took the opportunity to get some business taken care of...Jeanne needed to get her yearly medical exam done, dog needed grooming (got to see her original lifelong groomer), and we needed some minor repairs done on the truck and the fiver. Oh, and I guess while we were here we just HAD to visit with the grandbaby. We had another round of fun with him, playing at the Petaluma KOA campground, taking him to the discovery museum in Sausalito, and generally spoiling him as much as possible.

Climbing on playground at KOA with O-Ma.

Now I'm climbing on playground at KOA with O-Pa.

We are Kings of the mountain!

Catchin' some air with O-Ma on the jump pillow...

"What, ME cause mischief? No way, huh-uh, wasn't me and you can't prove it!"

Being back in Sonoma County in February still not the kind of weather we've been looking for.  We are about fed up with cold and wet.  Our new tentative plan is to head back to Lake Mead and stay a few days dry camping at the federal (or was it state?) park there on the lake, maybe tour the Hoover Dam.  Then we are thinking about Lake Havasu for a few days and maybe on to Yuma while still working our way to the Texas gulf coast, at least until summer when we will try heading north to Wyoming and over toward Tennessee late summer, fall-ish. But, as we have quickly found out, plans can change in an instant when you live the "free spirit" lifestyle. No time constraints, no schedules to keep, wake up each morning and ponder, "Hmmm, what state do we want to live in today?" And the beauty of it all now is that as we drive on down the highway, we don't have to miss out on any sightseeing.  If we happen to pass "The world's biggest ball of mud" and want to go see it, by golly we are gonna go see it! Move over, Clark Griswold, get out of my way!

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